Monday, December 13, 2010

My Opinion

I believe to a certain extent that the law of consent and law of responsibility are good but hey can be changed some to be better. The law of consent should have a minimum age that if below that you are not able to give consent. I believe that the minimum age should be lowered some to around twelve or thirteen instead of what it is know. I also think that there should be a maximum age difference between the two parties involved until they are past a certain age. The age difference should be from three to five years and the maximum age should be around eighteen. This will stop people who are too young from having sexual activities and those around the same age higher than the minimum can then have healthy relationships. If people want to do something they are going to do it especially older teenagers.   
The law of responsibly ages I think should not be changed but the children should be punished more. I don’t think they should be punished to severely just enough to let them know what they did was wrong and that they should stop doing that activity; otherwise they will not learn from their mistakes. They could even make it law for the parents of that child to punish them in some way, of course it has to be legal and within reason. The government could then monitor the child and parents to make sure they are being punished. 
I do agree with the drinking age though. Going into this project I thought that it should be lowered but my opinioned changed. While I researched I learned that most people are not mature or fully developed until they are around twenty-one. Children who start drinking younger are likeier to develop alcoholism and have more behavioral problems. So if you lower the drinking age you are just increasing the like hood of accidents and behavioral problems in children. Although people may feel discriminated it's for their on well being: without the Constitution or laws  sure wed be more free to do what we want but there no telling what condition this country would be in. People should be treated differently based on age because until you around twenty-one or so you are not as mature and mind is not fully developed. Like in How We became Posthuman people are defined by their mind and until a certain age your mind isn't developed fully so you should have restrictions.

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